
44337 次浏览 2024-06-26 提问

最新回答 (3条回答)

2024-06-26 回答

1.展出示高柜 high exhibiting ark
2.展示矮柜 low exhibiting ark
3 展示背板 exhibiting backboard
4 展示地台 exhibiting platform
5 地台有色玻璃 colored glass for platform
6 柱子装饰 pillar decoration
7 装饰天棚 sunshade decorating
8 墙脚装饰线 basement decorating line
9 窗帘盒 pelmet
10 墙面及天花板白色漆 white paint for wall and celling
11 天花深灰色漆 dark gray paint for celling
12 照明位置及数量 lighting locatin & quantity
13 控制开关设置 controlling switch placement
14 小射灯 small lamp
15 大射灯 big lamp
16 日光灯 daylight lamp
17 垃圾清理 rubbish cleaning
18 材料搬运 material transitting
19 工程直接费 direct projecting charge
20 工程管理费 project management charge

2024-06-26 回答


2024-06-26 回答

1. Display high cabinets
2. Display vase
3 display buildings
4 display platform
5 platform colored glass
6 pole decoration
7 decorative awning
8 foot of a wall decoration Line
9 Chuanglianhe
10 walls and ceilings white paint
11 smallpox dark grey paint
12 location and the number of lighting
13 control switches installed
14 small supply
15 big searchlights
16 fluorescent
17 refuse removal
18 material handling
19 Direct project costs
20 project management fees


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